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Discover what your child can achieve at Cranbrook's #1 ranked academic elementary school.


Applications for student enrollment may be submitted at any time, and since space is limited, it is recommended that parents register their children as far in advance as possible to ensure acceptance. Doing so also assists in planning and budgeting for the future needs of the school. Please Contact the school office Should you require any additional information or assistance in obtaining and/or completing the registration form.


Tuition fees are set annually as recommended by the finance committee and approved by the school council.

The rates for the 2024/25 school year are:

  • 1st Child ($350)

  • 2nd Child ($230)

  • 3rd Child ($120)

  • 4th Child ( No Cost)

Practicing Catholics are entitled to an exemption from June tuition.  To claim this benefit, pick up an application for tuition exemption form at the school office.  The deadline for submission of forms is May 31, 2024. The parishioner tuition rate is for those families who are practicing members (attend Sunday mass and receive the sacraments with regularity and who are involved with the life of the parish) of Christ the Servant Parish Or St. Mary’s Parish And are financially contributing to the church through the use of financial donations.

If a family registers before March 14th, 2025 the tuition rates stay the same for next school year.

After March 14th, 2025 rates for the 2025/26 school year are:

  • 1st Child ($360)

  • 2nd Child ($240)

  • 3rd Child ($130)

  • 4th Child ( No Cost)

Reason For Tuition Fees

St. Mary’s catholic independent school is recognized by the ministry of education as group 1 independent schools. This means we receive funding of only 50% of that granted to the local public schools. This funding is restricted to operating expenses: we do not receive grants for renovations, capital expenditures, transportation, and so on. Other sources of revenue are required to operate the schools. There are three other sources of revenues: tuition fees, day care and after school programming, and donations.

Reason for Tuition Fees

Lady in the garden

St. Mary’s Catholic Independent School is recognized by the Ministry of Education as Group 1 Independent Schools. This means we receive funding of only 50% of that granted to the local public schools. This funding is restricted to operating expenses: we do not receive grants for renovations, capital expenditures, transportation, and so on. Other sources of revenue are required to operate the schools. There are three other sources of revenues: tuition fees, day care and after school programming, and donations.